Fat Management  Weight is bone and muscle you don't want to lose.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over half of American adults are overweight, and about one-third are obese. This is a big concern because excess weight has a huge negative impact on the overall health of an individual, leading to a risk for diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, and most other degenerative health problems.

Our program for weight management is based on the fact that to lose weight, you must not only consume fewer calories, but also give your body the right types of calories and adequate nutrition for optimal wellness. This program provides a safe weight loss that does not use addictive or chemical substances, and does not create imbalances or cause ketosis. It utilizes sound nutrition and natural products that work together to dissipate fat and help correct weight-related health problems. Fat is not the enemy (as there are some essential fats), and carbohydrates are not the enemy (as they provide fuel for every function of the body). The key is to eat a diet based on balance, following sound nutritional advice.

Our Weight Management program will:

  • Detoxify you to help cleanse the intestinal tract of old waste material and hard encrustations, to speed food processing time and strengthen the peristaltic action of the bowels.
  • Replace two  meals a day with an Instant Meal Nutritional Shake, providing a broad spectrum of nutritional support to keep energy and nutritional levels up, and the caloric intake down. A third regular meal, selected for its nutritional and low-caloric levels, is eaten daily. This one meal can be breakfast, lunch or dinner, but should be eaten before 6:00 pm.
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels to help prevent feelings of hunger without chemicals or addictive substances by giving you the proper supplements to take
  • Keep your skin firm while losing weight through our bodywraps